Web App Private Endpoints vs Service Endpoints vs App Service Environments

Recently, I got an opportunity to compare the Private Endpoint for Web Apps, Service Endpoints for Web Apps and App Service Environments. I thought it would be good to write a blog post on the observations and the comparison I learned. Limiting the attack vector for the web applications and exposing the application only to the customer private networks is a very common requirement when you talk to customers. Therefore, this blog is about a comparison between the most commonly used hosting methods for internal-facing web applications in Azure.

Docker Cheat Sheet

I recently went through my second study phase around docker containers recently. Docker is a huge topic these days and widly used in the application containerization. I use Docker at home and at work in many projects. I thought it would be useful to create a Docker Cheat Sheet for my reference and share that among the community and that lead to this post. In this post, I’m going to list the most common commands used when playing with Docker containers.